Saturday, July 11, 2009

Insurance company lobbyist

While watching a news show last evening, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders mentioned that lobbyist are being paid a million dollars a day by insurance companies to lobby on their behalf against making changes in regulations that will reduce the monopoly and greed insurance companies have over the American people, like in many other sectors of America's economic engine, lobbyist working on behalf of greedy corporations have been able to influence the outcome of bills sometimes before they even come up for a vote.
Large American corporations won't easily let go of their tight grip and monopoly they have had over Washington decision making for decades, corporate dollars influence everything from rules and regulations to laws that effect Americans across the country, it's not very fair to the majority of hard working Americans that have to struggle everyday to put food on the table so their families can eat i included, on the other side of the isle, a select few are racking in the millions at the expense of the hard working majority.

Americans must wake up from their deep slumber and start fighting back against greedy corporations that have had their way in this country and abroad for decades.

It's been said that 20% of Americans own 80% of the country's wealth, the other 80% of the people own the remaining 20% that doesn't make the least bit of sense but it's true, capitalism is okay and can work for many countries, here in the US large greedy corporations have taken it to the next level, they are not the least bit concerned who is getting stepped on in the process, the figures above should surely be reversed, if there was a level playing in this country where people had an equal chance in the financial and banking sector, Americans wouldn't be in debt from the time they leave college if they have the opportunity to the time of their death, that is for most Americans.
Think about this, our parents teach us from a young age that we must build our credit so we can buy what we want, from the time a person buys their first car banks have the monopoly of controlling our lives, we start paying back student loans, gotta pay for the car, and by the time a person pays off their car loan which is usually about 5 years, now banks have brought the number to 6 or 7 years stretching the term brings the monthly payment down which increases the amount of interest accumulated, people don't want to rent an apartment forever so we buy a house, most loans are 30 years, now the bank has a tighter grip and the upper hand, should a person get sick or they loose their job they will have a hard time paying the note, miss a few payments kiss your house goodbye and your good credit goes up in smoke.

this system that the US government gave to a select number of banks to control our lives has been around since 1913 or 1916 I'm not sure on the year but you get the picture, it's been almost a hundred years that banks, insurance companies and large American conglomerates have had this control over our lives. Sadly millions don't have a clue about this control granted to the too big to fail corporations,

Hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars went to insurance companies and the largest banks and financial institutions in this country while zero dollars went to the millions of homeowners loosing their homes due to the greedy banks and financial institutions that made risky investments looking for maximum profits at the expense of hard working Americans.

We the people must have full control of our lives, we should be making the rules of the game, we elect leaders to govern and pass laws that serve us the people, not the richest greedy corporate sneaks that are out to screw the public any way they can, after all we are the majority not the greedy corporations of America, we cannot continue to allow them to make up the rules as they see fit, we have to take back our lives and country from those who think they are bigger and better than America's middle class, America was built by the middle class, the middle class that is fading and getting stomped to oblivious, it's already happening, there will still be 3 classes of people in this country.

The filthy rich the rich and the poor, the middle class will soon be a distant memory.

Our forefathers would be turning in their graves if they knew how this country has been run, especially the last 35 years, since the oil embargo of the early 70s.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

President Obama must step on some toes

When president Obama was speaking in front of the American Medical Association the other day, the room seemed to be in tune with his health care plan, when the president mentioned that his plan wouldn't have a cap on malpractice lawsuits, the cheers from the (AMA) members turned to boos and fell silent.

You see, president Obama's campaign received millions of dollars from lawyers that represent patients in malpractice cases, lawyers have brought some outrageous lawsuits against doctors worth hundreds of millions of dollars, insurance companies have to pay these claims, some of the numbers are astronomical in some cases, so putting a cap on lawsuits would generate a backlash from attorneys and their associations, remember now, these guys and gals are lawyers that will fight for every last dime, they supported the president so he has to reciprocate.

On the other hand are the doctors who have to pay large insurance premiums to protect themselves against malpractice lawsuits, without insurance a doctor can be ruined, also doctors in some cases may order extra tests to protect themselves against such cases, because doctors pay higher premiums, patients premiums have been on the rise in part do to rising costs on doctors by insurance companies and a little greed, ultimately we all share the burden in escalating health care cost in this country.

Lawyers don't want caps on malpractice claims, they want to continue to fatten their wallets at the expense of patients with possible lifetime disabilities, and at the expense of all Americans, their greed will continue raising the already high health care costs.

So, president Obama has to support a health care plan that keeps both camps happy, the president must keep doctors happy because without them, our ills would never be cured, and the greedy lawyers want maximum payoff at everyone's expense.

It's a slippery slope the president shouldn't have to be in, he and all politicians will continue to fail the American people, by politicising our very lives, the health care issue shouldn't be about lobbyists and whats good for lawyers and doctors, "they are a small segment of our society" the health care plan concerns all of the American people, not just a few of us.

We the people have been getting the short end of the stick for over 35 years, ever since the oil embargo of the early 70s. corporate America and their lobbyists have taken over this country and we the people have allowed them to dictate our lives, unabated, with the help of the very politicians we elected into office to represent our interests and the future of our children and grandchildren.